Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Post

I am a 57-year-old runner and therapist.  I am interested in interacting with others who have interests in two areas: cardiac rehab and mental health issues related to running.

I have been running for about 35 years.  I first became interested in this when I heard Dr. Kenneth Cooper speak during graduate school.  My father and all of his brothers had suffered with cardiovascular disease, and I was determined to fend off the same fate.  I was also in the midst of writing my dissertation concerning the effect of stress on critical thinking.  The effect of exercise on this became another passion.

Over the years, I have run consistently and participated in countless races from 5K's to marathons.  The last few years have been the most difficult.  When I was 51, I had a heart attack.  My LAD was almost totally occluded.  After having two stints placed, I began the long haul back to trying to run.  In 1997 I was able to complete the Chicago Marathon and subsequently the New Orleans Half Marathon and another half marathon here in Jackson.  While training for the Mississippi Blues Marathon, I fell and compound fractured my arm.  The next November I had surgery on my heel to remove bone spurs which involved splitting my achilles.

This past year, I have not been able to run.  It has been one of the longest years of my life.  Only a month ago have I been able to begin training again, not much, but at least some time with the road under my feet again.  This week, I will put in about 15 miles.

I would love to hear from other runners who have had cardiovascular problems.  One of the problems that I have had since my heart attack is having to take medication which moderates my heart rate.  Not being able to get my heart rate up has had a limiting effect on my training.

Being a therapist, I also have a great interest in running's effect on mental health and would love to hear from those of you who have experience with this.

I'll be posting my progress with training and hopefully some thoughts concerning these issues.  Let me know if you are interested in joining a discussion and giving some mutual support.

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