Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cardiologist Report

A mixed bag.  No new disease, but no running.  He wants me only to walk.  I called him a few choice names and immediately began readjusting my self expectations.  OK, I will walk and not run.  Maybe it's a good thing.  Maybe it will teach me to simply enjoy rather than constantly trying to reach another goal.

I've participated in one race since the appointment.  I averaged about 14 minutes per mile.  I've walked daily since then, listening to my favorite podcasts and music.  I find myself noticing the beauty on my usual route at our home that seems to have been unnoticed while running.

I have always had a strange mixture of attraction to a meditative life but a goal directed drive.  I will chose to pay attention to my circumstances and simply be with this.

1 comment:

  1. That must be a relief that there is no disease. I like your attitude about just enjoying what you are doing. You had asked about my practice, mostly I work in community mental health settings but I also have a private practice. I mostly do therapy in the private practice, which I find more enjoyable. Agencies don't want to pay me to do therapy.
