Monday, February 15, 2010

More Snow

What's up with so much snow in Mississippi.  We had about 5 inches last Friday.  Luckily, that was a rest day for me.  By Saturday morning, the roads were fine for a run.  I put in 7 miles.  This is my longest since my comeback.  The run was encouraging.  I still have trouble on hills, but other than that it felt pretty good.

Running hills has been a problem since my heart attack.  The medication that I take limits my heart rate and therefore makes it difficult to exert enough to make long hills.  It's very frustrating, but I understand why I have to take this.

I have my first race this coming Saturday.  It's a 5K to raise money for the Blair Batson hospital for children in Jackson.  It will be fun to be back with old race friends.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day After the Super Bowl

Runs are not fun after a day of celebration.  Being from just north of New Orleans, I am unbelievably excited at the Saint's win.  Hell has frozen over and pigs are flying.  Of course, I ate too much last night while watching the game with my wife and friends.  I did put in 3 miles this morning though.

Training is going well.  No pain in my achilles.  I was able to put in a total of 16 miles last week and will try to get to 18 this week.

I have signed up for several runs.  Two 5K's, one 10K, and one half-marathon.  Having races to look forward to always helps me.

I am amazed at how much better I feel now that I am back running after a year off.  What a difference.  My energy is up and I actually feel more at peace.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Good Runs

I've had some good runs over the past few days.  I did a 5 mile Saturday, 3 Monday, 2 Tuesday and 3 today.  My achilles is not hurting, which is a miracle.  Saturday's run was different for Mississippi.  It snowed on me.  It was fun.

I've been trying out chi running form with some positive results.  My legs are not nearly as tired as they used to be, and I'm enjoying the meditative focus on relaxation during the run.  It hasn't been a very difficult change because I have always naturally been a mid-foot striker.  The focus on relaxation it what is most different.  I want to focus on pace and pushing it.  Leaving that by the wayside has been relaxing within itself.