Thursday, July 15, 2010

Barefoot Running

I just finished reading Chris McDougall's book, Born to Run.  What a great read for anyone, but especially for us runners.  I decided to make the plunge and try barefoot running.  I went to the local outdoors store and purchased a pair of Vibram Fivefingers.  This morning was my first attempt on a .6 mile trail around our property.  I'll have to say it was at least a lot of fun.  There was a feeling of being connected to the earth that I don't get on the road.  I'm a little more sore afterward, but I think I'll build more of these barefoot trail runs into the week.

I've been running the road in some new Newtons.  Love them.  Legs doing great.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Back to It

Well, despite my cardiologist's opinion, I'm back running.  My GP is a runner, and after having him check me out, he said go for it.  This just shows you what a diversity of opinion there is in the medical community about aerobic exercise post-MI.

Here in Mississippi, it has been in the upper 90's F with close to 90% humidity, so my runs have been at 5 AM or shortly after.  Even then, it's draining.  I'm being smart and not taking it too fast, hydrating well, and not racing.  A short swim in the pool helps after a run in these conditions.  I did, however, encounter a water moccasin taking a dip with me one morning.

My mental health is improved since getting back to running.